Stripe Payments with PHP. This class will talk you through integrating Stripe Payments with your website. Using the starter code provided, we’ll go through full integration with Stripe step-by-step.
Skillshare – Stripe Payments with PHP
About This Class
This class will talk you through integrating Stripe Payments with your website. Using the starter code provided, we’ll go through full integration with Stripe step-by-step.
We’ll cover:
- One-off and recurring payments
- Stripe Checkout, Elements, API and Stripe.js
- How to use Stripe’s new SCA-compliant APIs to ensure your transactions do not get rejected by banks
- Digital wallets including Google Pay and Apple Pay
Hands-on Class Project
Create your own Stripe integration by following along with the lessons. To run the code locally, you will need:
- PHP 7.2.5 or above
- Composer
- Symfony CLI
- Clone or download the starter code from here
If you get stuck, compare your code against the example code. This can be found in the examples/ directory of the starter code. You Can also learn CSS – Basics To Advanced For Front End Development (2021)
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